PPI2015 Assignment Specifications

4. Individual project I

4.3. Grading criteria

Your work will be assessed to give you a final mark out of 100 as tabled below:

Criteria Description Marks

The introduction introduces the clinical trial (brief description) and explains why a patient and public involvement strategy is required. If you choose a trial from the published literature, you must provide the reference 15
Patient and public involvement strategy This should address: the methods of patient and public involvement to be used at each stage of the study; the rationale for choosing these methods; what they should achieve; who will be involved and how they will be identified/approached; how the patient and public involvement will be evaluated and at what time point/s; a brief cost calculation for the involvement activities. 60
Conclusion The conclusion offers a concise summary of the main points in the paper and the student’s evaluation of what the patient and public involvement strategy is meant to achieve. 15
General format and referencing The essay adheres to academic writing form (including spelling, syntax, grammar) and ideas are organised logically (5 pts).
Text formatting guidelines have been adhered to and referencing style is used correctly and consistently (5 pts).