PPI Unit I 2015

1. Introduction

Unit I The origins and evolution of patient and public involvement in research: theory, policy and principlespatient and public involvement group

This unit will introduce the student to the principles and practice of involving patients and the public in research.  We will start with definitions of patient and public involvement in research and examine the principles which guide its practice. We will explore the social, theoretical and policy drivers which have led to its adoption and consider what benefits are claimed to arise from involving patients and members of the public in research.



Unit I has been designed to offer hands-on opportunities to reach an understanding of the rationale for and nature and scope of patient and public involvement in research. This includes the skills to

  • Define patient and public involvement in research and public engagement
  • Identify the proposed benefits of patient and public involvement in research
  • Critically appraise the theory and values underpinning patient and public involvement in clinical research
  • Reflect on personal assumptions/preconceptions about patient and public involvement in research

Learning outcomes

After completion of this unit, course participants should have reached the following learning outcomes:

  1. Critically appraise the theory and key principles of patient and public involvement in clinical research

  2. Critically assess their own practice/place of work in relation to the level of patient and public involvement in research