6. Individual project III

6.4. Grading criteria

Your Individual project III will be assessed to give you a final mark out of 100 against the following criteria:

Option 1: Critical evaluation

Criteria Description Marks
Introduction Sets the scene with appropriate background information on the topic. Details how you will approach the evaluation. 15
Main text Addresses both theory and practice of patient and public involvement. Identifies both positive aspects and concerns. Describes the difficulty identifying evidence that patient and public involvement has an impact on research and identifies how this might be addressed. 60
Conclusion Summarises the main points of your evaluation and reaches an appropriate judgement on the current state of patient and public involvement in research. 15
General format and referencing The essay adheres to academic writing form (including spelling, syntax, grammar) and ideas are organised logically (5 pts).
Text formatting guidelines have been adhered to and referencing style is used correctly and consistently (5 pts).
Total 100

Option 2: Public engagement strategy

Criteria Description Marks
Introduction Sets the scene by describing the work setting and the rationale for engaging the public. Specifies which audience your strategy is aimed at. 15
Public engagement strategy Sets out the aims of the public engagement process. Presents an appropriate, feasible strategy for the setting, which will deliver the aims. Describes the methods of engagement in detail, with a rationale for the methods chosen. Demonstrates understanding of the potential benefits and difficulties. Details how and when the strategy will be evaluated. 60
Conclusion Summarises the main points of the purpose and process of engagement in the specific setting 15
General format and referencing The essay adheres to academic writing form (including spelling, syntax, grammar) and ideas are organised logically (5 pts).
Text formatting guidelines have been adhered to and referencing style is used correctly and consistently (5 pts).
Total 100