5. Individual project II

5.3. Grading criteria

Your Individual project II will be assessed to give you a final mark out of 100 against the following criteria:

Option 1: Video

Criteria Description Marks
Introduction Explain the trial and why you want to involve patients/ members of the public. 15
Patient and public involvement methods Describe your methods of involvement, what you want the patients/public to do, the time commitment, how you will support them in their involvement activities 50
Answering questions and discussion Offer the opportunity for the patients to ask you questions and answer them effectively 15
Presentation and interpersonal skills General clarity and logic of presentation; use of appropriate language and effective explanations; demonstrate effective and engaging interpersonal skills 20
Total 100

Option 2: Poster

Criteria Description Marks
Introduction Provides a clear explanation of the trial and creates an initial impact – draws people to read on 15
Text Provides a clear, concise description, in plain English, of the patient and public involvement opportunity for this trial. Provides an appropriate balance of text and visual cues. Uses headings and sub-headings 35
Design/layout Is visually appealing, with relevant use of an appropriate amount of information, conveyed in text and pictures. Layout is logical and the messages you want to transmit are clear. 30
General presentation and impact General clarity and logic of presentation; good structure and formatting; use of appropriate language and effective explanations; use of appropriate visual aids. 20
Total 100