5. Individual project II

5.4. Indicative readings & resources

Option 1: Video

Follow the PoodLL instructions listed here

Option 2: Poster

Refer to the IP I assignment in PCTM where you were asked to evaluate a poster presented to the ECTU conference in Edinburgh. Review the guidance given there and the feedback to your submitted assignment to remind yourself of the features of a good poster. See the PCTM2014 IP I assignment specifications here: https://www.moodle.is.ed.ac.uk/mod/book/view.php?id=14016&chapterid=1599

You can find guidance on preparing a poster here, but remember, your audience for this task is patients, not academics (you will need to log into EASE to access the guidance): https://www.wiki.ed.ac.uk/pages/viewpage.action?title=Designing+an+academic+poster&spaceKey=HowTowiki

Also the University of Leicester has created an online tutorial on designing a poster (Remember your audience for this task is patients, not academics).

Available at https://connect.le.ac.uk/posters