7. Individual project IV

7.5. Grading criteria

Your work will be assessed to give you a final mark out of 100 as tabled below:

Criteria Description Marks
Introduction Explains how you have approached the task. Say what sources you drew on, particularly any references to reflective writing texts or guidelines you read/used. 15
Critical reflections Presents a clear account of the learning process and what factors had an impact on your understanding of patient and public involvement. Demonstrates a questioning, self-reflective approach to patient and public involvement and your own knowledge and perceptions of it. Reflects on learning in relation to your own research/clinical practice. 55
Timely reflections There is evidence of timely and regular reflective activity throughout the course. 5
Conclusion Succinctly summarises your learning during the course and how reflection contributed to meeting the learning outcomes.  Summarises your experience of reflection during the course. 15
General format and referencing The essay adheres to academic writing form (including spelling, syntax, grammar) and ideas are organised logically (5 pts).
Text formatting guidelines have been adhered to and referencing style is used correctly and consistently (5 pts).