Contacts and student support

Personal Tutors

All taught students at the University of Edinburgh are assigned a Personal Tutor (PT). Your Personal Tutor is a member of academic staff from your matriculated Deanery, who is allocated to you at the beginning of the academic year. Their role is to:

  • assist students in regularly reviewing their academic progress and performance
  • encourage students to reflect on their learning, both within and beyond the formal curriculum, and how it contributes to their future development and career
  • help students to feel part of a community of learners
  • provide pastoral support for their tutees consistent with the limits in section 4 of the Academic and Pastoral Support Policy and referring students to other staff in the School and support services as appropriate.

Your Personal Tutor is available if you have any concerns or problems that might affect your studies, for example when there are special circumstances affecting your studies. They can also advise on academic matters such as course choices in your degree programme.

Information on the roles and responsibilities of Personal Tutors and others involved in Personal Tutor System, including your role as a tutee, is available here:

Deanery Personal Tutoring Statement:

Further information and resources (including FAQs) can be found at:

If you have a problem which you would like to discuss with someone other than your Personal Tutor or Programme Lead or Director you can contact the Senior Tutor for the Deanery. The Senior Tutor for the Deanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences is Professor Sarah Wild (contact details below):

Deanery Senior Tutor
Prof Sarah Wild

Usher Institute for Population Health Sciences and Informatics
College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
