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Allison Worth

Allison Worth Post 1

20 January 2016, 2:54 PM

New resources

Hello everyone

I'm adding some new references to the resource list - these are papers that relate to tonight's lecture, so you can access them afterwards if you want to. Heather Goodare is a 'patient' who works with me and many other health and research organisations. Her story is relevant to Unit 1 Thought Question 2 and the idea that a lay person's status is compromised as they become more expert. She is certainly not a typical patient! But she has had a fantastic impact as an involved patient. Similarly, Dave deBronkart is a very expert patient with an interesting story to tell.

Dawes LL. When Subjects Bite Back: The Bristol Cancer Help Centre Study and Increasing Consumer Involvement in UK Medical Research in the 1990s. Social History of Medicine 2011; 25, (2) 500–519. doi:10.1093/shm/hkr151 

Goodare H, Smith R. The rights of patients in research. BMJ 1995; 310:1277. doi:

Goodare H. How to get involved: Heather Goodare - a patient’s story.

 deBronkart D. From patient centred to people powered: autonomy on the rise. BMJ 2015;350:h148. doi: 10.1136/bmj.h148

Best wishes


IRENE RWOMUSHANA Post 2 in reply to 1

20 January 2016, 6:21 PM

Back to Allison on New Resources

Hi Allison,

Thank you for these resources.


Best regards,
